Compliances of Annual Return under Companies Act 2013

Required to be Signed by ?

In case of Companies except One Person Company, the Annual Return needs to be filed and signed by Company Secretary or director and in case of no Company Secretary, needs to be signed by PCS, and in case of One Person Company, the annual return needs to be signed by Company Secretary and in case of no Company Secretary, needs to be signed by director.

Certification in certain cases :

In case of companies having paid up share capital of Rs. 5 crores or more and turnover of Rs.  25 crores or more or any listed company needs to certify its annual return with PCS. In this PCS has to certify that all the facts and the figures and the disclosures mad by the company are been true and nothing have been hidden.

Due Date for filing of Annual Return:

There may be 2 cases where the annual return has to be filed within limits, they are :

Particulars of Annual Return:

The Annual return would include the following things:

Penalty Clause :

In case of non compliance of the same, company will be liable to pay a fine of Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 5,00,000. In case of officer being found guilty, than he may be liable for Imprisonment of 6 months or fine of Rs. 25,000 which may go up to Rs. 5,00,000 or both.

Amendments in Comparison with previous Companies Act:

Definitions of Companies under Companies Act, 2013Incorporation of Pvt. Ltd. Company as per Companies Act 2013How to convert Private Limited company into OPC ??Independent directors in Indian companies

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